the floggings will continue until morale improves

So we got the notes from the most recent union meeting.  Apparently the district administration decided that the way they are going to add 15 minutes to the day at several schools (including mine) for this fall is that they will just have us come in 15 minutes later.  So — we will have 15 minutes less time to prepare for 15 minutes more teaching.  The more I think about it the more pissed-off I get.

It would never occur to them to just pay us for 15 minutes more time each day, would it?

One thought on “the floggings will continue until morale improves

  1. No, they are SAVING money. They aren’t paying you to be there, but they figure that you will be anyway…….for free!

    It’s against the law in our state to strike, so what we have to do sometimes, is the Union encourages us to JUST work our contract, only the minutes they pay us for. A lot of that other stuff starts not getting done. They aren’t paying us to do it……

    They try to guilt us that the kids will suffer………

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